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December 2022:
On Thursday, December 1, 2022, Prof. Chr. Maggidis (Institute of World Politics, President of the Mycenaean Foundation) gave a lecture on Ancient and Modern Democracy: Ideology, Morphology, and Pathology at the Diplomacy Academy (Διπλωματική Ακαδημία) of the Foreign Ministry of Greece at the invitation of the Program Director of the Academy, Mrs. Evelyn Kalaitzis. The lecture was followed by a two-hour-long session of Q&A and a vibrant discussion with the students and future diplomats of Greece. Subsequently, the students accompanied by Mrs. Kalaitzis and Prof. Maggidis walked to the site of the Athenian Agora, where Prof. Maggidis guided them in the archaeological site and museum.
November 2022:
Eγκαινιάσθηκε την Τρίτη 1/11/2022 στο Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο “Βίλα Στέλλα” του Ηρακλείου Αττικής από τον Δήμαρχο Ηρακλείου κ. Νίκο Μπάμπαλο η ατομική έκθεση ζωγραφικής “Πολύπτυχον” της Χρυσάνθη Μαγγίδη (ΜFΑ, ΜΑ, υποψ. PhD), εικαστικού, σχεδιάστριας, αρχαιολόγου και υπεύθυνης δημοσίων σχέσεων του Mycenaean Foundation. Η έκθεση, την οποία επιμελήθηκε η ίδια η εικαστικός, διοργανώθηκε υπό την αιγίδα του Τμήματος Πολιτισμού του Δήμου Ηρακλείου από την κα. Μαίρη Ιγγλέση, Αντιδήμαρχο Πολιτισμού, σε συνεργασία με τον κ. Γιώργο Πέτρου, Πρόεδρο του Δημοτικού Συμβουλίου. Στα εγκαίνια της έκθεσης παρευρέθηκαν μεταξύ άλλων μέλη του Ελληνικού Κοινοβουλίου, εκπρόσωποι της περιφερειακής διοίκησης και της τοπικής αυτοδιοίκησης, δημοσιογράφοι, καλλιτέχνες και πλήθος κόσμου. Η εικαστική έκθεση “Πολύπτυχον” της Χρυσάνθης Μαγγίδη σημειώνει μεγάλη επιτυχία και δημοσιότητα, και έχει ήδη αποσπάσει εγκωμιαστικά σχόλια και κριτικές για την εκφραστικότητα, την εκρηκτική δύναμη, τη δραματικότητα της αντίθεσης του σκοτεινού, μαύρου φόντου και δεσμών φωτός πάνω στα αιωρούμενα ή κινούμενα σώματα, την άρτια τεχνική και το ιδιαίτερο στύλ. Η έκθεση θα φιλοξενηθεί στη “Βίλα Στέλλα” έως τις 10/11/2022 (με ολιγοήμερη παράταση λόγω μεγάλης προσέλευσης του κοινού).
July 2022:
The Institute of World Politics (IWP) launched in partnership with the Mycenaean Foundation the HERMES Global Studies in Ancient and Modern Diplomacy, a new, distinctive summer study abroad program for graduate students in Greece, which was hosted at the Melathron Center of the Foundation at legendary Mycenae. The students engaged this cultural immersion and study abroad opportunity in Greece with enthusiasm and enjoyed the experience to the fullest.
While in Athens, the students led by Prof. Chr. Maggidis, President of the Mycenaean Foundation and new Professor at the IWP, and Prof. Maria Anastassiathe, Vice-President of the Mycenaean Foundation, met with senior Greek government officials. On July 4 (Independence Day), they were formally welcomed by the Mayor of Athens, Dr. Kostas Bakoyannis, in the City Hall of Athens and by the Deputy Minister of Defence, Mr. Nikos Hardalias in the Ministry. Minister Hardalias discussed with the students about current issues in the Greek-Turkish relations and NATO challenges, while Mayor Bakoyannis talked about challenges in municipal administration of the capital city of Athens. The Minister of Defence offered to Prof. Maggidis an honorary plaque of the Armed Greek Forces in honor of the Mycenaean Foundation.
June 2022:
Συνέντευξη του Προέδρου καθ. Χρ. Μαγγίδη στο δελτίο ειδήσεων του τηλεοπτικού καναλιού STAR TV Κεντρικής Ελλάδας (14/6) με αφορμή την επίσκεψη του Περιφερειάρχη Στερεάς Ελλάδας, κ. Φάνη Σπανού, του Αντιπεριφερειάρχη Φθιώτιδας, κ. Αθανασίου Καρακάντζα, του Δημάρχου Λαμιέων, κ. Θύμιου Καραΐσκου, του πρώην Δημάρχου Λαμιέων, κ. Νίκου Σταυρογιάννη, και της Διευθύντριας της Εφορείας Αρχαιοτήτων Φθιώτιδας-Ευρυτανίας, Δρ. Έφης Καράντζαλη, στην ανασκαφή της Ακρολαμίας που διεξάγεται στα πλαίσια της αρχαιολογικής έρευνας στην κοιλάδα του Σπερχειού (MY.SPE.AR. Project) υπό την αιγίδα της Εφορείας Φθιώτιδας-Ευρυτανίας και με την υποστήριξη του Mycenaean Foundation, της Περιφέρειας Στερεάς Ελλάδας, του Δήμου Λαμιέων και της Ι.Μ. Φθιώτιδας.
June 2022:
Συνέντευξη του Προέδρου καθ. Χρ. Μαγγίδη στo δελτίο ειδήσεων του ραδιοφωνικού σταθμού LAMIA FM 1 (15/6) για την ανασκαφή της Ακρολαμίας που διεξάγεται στα πλαίσια της αρχαιολογικής έρευνας στην κοιλάδα του Σπερχειού (MY.SPE.AR. Project) υπό την αιγίδα της Εφορείας Φθιώτιδας-Ευρυτανίας και με την υποστήριξη του Mycenaean Foundation, της Περιφέρειας Στερεάς Ελλάδας, του Δήμου Λαμιέων και της Ι.Μ. Φθιώτιδας.
June 2022:
Αρχαιολογική ανασκαφή στην Ακρολαμία ( φωτογραφίες από την ανασκαφή στο Κάστρο που διεξάγεται στα πλαίσια της αρχαιολογικής έρευνας στην κοιλάδα του Σπερχειού (MY.SPE.AR. Project) υπό την αιγίδα της Εφορείας Φθιώτιδας-Ευρυτανίας και με την υποστήριξη του Mycenaean Foundation, της Περιφέρειας Στερεάς Ελλάδας, του Δήμου Λαμιέων και της Ι.Μ. Φθιώτιδας. Ακολουθούν δηλώσεις του Περιφερειάρχη Στερεάς Ελλάδας, κ. Φάνη Σπανού, του Δημάρχου Λαμιέων, κ. Θύμιου Καραΐσκου, του τέως Δημάρχου Λαμιέων, κ. Νίκου Σταυρογιάννη, και του Προέδρου του Μυκηναϊκού Ιδρύματος και καθηγητή του Ινστιτούτου Διεθνούς Πολιτικής στην Washington DC, Χριστοφίλη Μαγγίδη.
May/June 2022:
Eγκαινιάσθηκε στις 18/5/2022 στη Δημοτική Πινακοθήκη της Λαμίας η ατομική έκθεση ζωγραφικής “Πολύπτυχον” της Χρυσάνθη Μαγγίδη (ΜFΑ, ΜΑ, υποψ. PhD), εικαστικού, σχεδιάστριας, αρχαιολόγου και υπεύθυνης δημοσίων σχέσεων του Mycenaean Foundation. Την έκθεση διοργάνωσε και προλόγησε η Διευθύντρια της Πινακοθήκης, Έφη Παπαευθυμίου, επιμελήθηκε και ανέλυσε ο ιστορικός τέχνης, Κωνσταντίνος Μπουραζάνης, και εγκαινίασε ο Δήμαρχος Λαμιέων, κ. Θύμιος Καραΐσκος με την παρουσία του Σεβασμιωτάτου Συμεών, Μητροπολίτη Φθιώτιδος. Η εικαστική έκθεση “Πολύπτυχον” της Χρυσάνθης Μαγγίδη έχει ήδη αποσπάσει εγκωμιαστικά σχόλια και κριτικές για την εκφραστικότητα, την εκρηκτική δύναμη, τη δραματικότητα της αντίθεσης του σκοτεινού, μαύρου φόντου και δεσμών φωτός πάνω στα αιωρούμενα ή κινούμενα σώματα, την άρτια τεχνική και το ιδιαίτερο στύλ. Η έκθεση θα φιλοξενηθεί στη Δημοτική Πινακοθήκη Λαμίας έως τη 29/6/2022.
Οι επόμενες ατομικές εκθέσεις της Χρυσάνθης έχουν δρομολογηθεί για τον Νοέμβριο του 2022 στη Δημοτική Πινακοθήκη Νέου Ηρακλείου (Αθήνα) και τον Ιανουάριο του 2023 στη Δημοτική Πινακοθήκη Κορίνθου, ενώ ο πίνακάς της “Πλάσσειν” επελέγη ανάμεσα από χιλιάδες εικαστικά έργα στα 100 καλύτερα παγκοσμίως στην Chianciano Biennale 2022 και εκτέθηκε στο Chianciano Art Museum.
Ακολουθεί συνέντευξη της Χρυσάνθης Μαγγίδη στο MAG24
May 2022:
The international centenary conference for the great composer and architect Iannis Xenakis, which was co-organized by the Department of Performing and Digital Arts of the University of Peloponnese, the Department of Music Studies of the National Kapodistrian University of Athens, Paris VIII Musidanse, and The Friends of Xenakis Association, with the support of the Municipality of Nafplio and the Peloponnese Regional Government, was held in Athens and Nafplio on May 24-29, successfully concluded its program on Sunday, May 29, 2022 at Mycenae. Professor Christofilis Maggidis, President of the Mycenaean Foundation and excavator of Mycenae for twenty years, guided 90 conference participants in the famous archaeological site, while Dr. Adrianos Psychas, Assistant Director of the Melathron Center toured the group in the local archaeological museum. The participants were welcomed at the premises of the Mycenaean Foundation by the Vice President of the Foundation, Professor Maria Anastassiathe. The President of KEDAM of Argos, Mr. Panagiotis Skoufis, and President Maggidis addressed the distinguished guests. A banquet followed in the gardens of the Melathron Center with the kind support of the Municipality of Argos. The organizers and participants praised the guided tour and the Melathron Center with its impressive library. The conference concluded with the commitment of the participants for the organization of “Polytopon 2” in 2028 at the same place, 50 years after the performance of the monumental work of Xenakis “Polytopon” of Mycenae.
December 2021:
(reported by
On December 8, 2021, Prof. Christofilis Maggidis, President of the Mycenaean Foundation, and Prof. Maria Anastassiathe, Director of the Melathron Center at Mycenae, met with His Eminence Ieronymos, Archbishop of Greece, and the Most Reverend Symeon, Bishop of Fthiotida, at the Office of the Holy Archdiocese in Athens to discuss venues of synergy to promote humanitarian actions, support cultural activities for the preservation, management and promotion of the local ecclesiastical heritage, religious tourism, pilgrimage tours, and archeological fieldwork, establish joint educational and training programs in Archeology, Art, History, Philosophy and Religion in cooperation with national and international organizations, and co-organize lectures, workshops and conferences on issues of common interest.
Archbishop Ieronymos expressed his joy for the meeting with Prof. Maggidis, emphasizing that they discussed about various things that connect them and spoke about common paths and memories, since both have studied archeology. Regarding the cooperation with the Mycenaean Foundation, the Archbishop underlined that “with the mediation and support of the Bishop of Fthiotida, we decided to do some things that will take all these issues one step further”.
President Maggidis characterized the cooperation with the Church of Greece as a great blessing and referred to the important advice and support of the Bishop of Fthiotida, pointing out that “Archaeology is not something far removed from the world. It is our history, our memory, just as the Church is our soul and conscience.”
The Bishop of Fthotida Symeon referred to the cooperation of the Holy Diocese with the Foundation, emphasizing that “in the Church everything good is good only when it has a blessing. We wanted to have the blessing of our spiritual father, our elder, the Archbishop, so that this initiative may advance spiritually and benefit our people. After all, everything that is done in science and in every branch of life is done for the benefit of man.”
Our Foundation is blessed and grateful for this unique opportunity and collaboration.
December 2021:
(reported by DOGMA Agency of Ecclesiastic News)
On December 21, 2021, the Holy Diocese of Fthiotida signed a Protocol of Cooperation with the Mycenaean Foundation to promote humanitarian actions, support cultural activities for the preservation, management and promotion of the local ecclesiastical heritage, religious tourism, pilgrimage tours, and archeological fieldwork, establish joint educational and training programs in Archeology, Art, History, Philosophy and Religion in cooperation with regional, national and international organizations, and co-organize lectures, workshops and conferences on issues of common interest.
According to the Protocol of Cooperation, two annual lectures will be co-organized at the headquarters of and under the auspices of the Holy Diocese of Fthiotida on topics of Religion and Byzantine studies for the general public. The Mycenaean Foundation has been collaborating with the Ephorate of Antiquities of Fthiotida and Evritania, the Municipality of Lamia, the Prefecture of Sterea Hellada, and several Greek universities on important archaeological fieldwork in the region since 2018. Now, the Holy Diocese of Fthiotida joins forces in this collaboration. The Holy Diocese generously extended hospitality to the archaeological team of the Mycenaean Foundation by availing the facilities of the Camp Center “Agia Aikaterini” in Kainourgio Lokridos of the Diocese in the month of June every year.
After the signing of the Protocol, both His Eminence, Bishop of Fthiotida Symeon and the President of the Mycenaean Foundation, Professor Christofilis Maggidis, visited the Model Ecclesiastical School of Lamia, where they spoke to the children about the planning of joint actions. They also invited all the children to participate in the archaeological and educational programs to gain valuable experience and come in contact with other children of the Greek diaspora.
In his statements to the local media and on the Radio Station of the Holy Diocese (89.4 Fm), His Eminence stated: “I am very happy today because we signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Mycenaean Foundation, with an Institution which is dedicated to archaeological research. The Holy Diocese is also coming to help the collaboration that has already begun, to join forces, as the call of times, of the society and the need for progress in education and research requires progress and cooperation. The Holy Diocese of Fthiotida with its structures will stand by the Mycenaean Foundation.”
Prof. Maggidis thanked His Eminence and responded: “We will stand by the Holy Diocese of Fthiotida and the great work performed by His Eminence. The Church is our soul. All the spiritual development of Hellenism takes place around our Church. I am very happy, because I met His Eminence personally, such a great man, and I thank him for giving us the opportunity to help society in any way possible.”
February 2020:
Watch the lecture of Prof. C. Maggidis (Roberts Chair in Archaeology, Dickinson College, and President of the Mycenaean Foundation) at the Institute of World Politics in Washington DC, entitled: Ancient and Modern Democracy: Ideology, Morphology, and Pathology (slideshow) (YouTube channel). This lecture is also published online at the Bodossaki Lectures on Demand (video, slideshow, summary).
October 2018:
Lecture of Prof. C. Maggidis (Roberts Chair in Archaeology, Dickinson College, and President of the Mycenaean Foundation) at Menlo, CA: “Ideology and Pathology of Democracy: Studying the Past, Shaping Our Future” (pdf). This lecture is published online by the Bodossaki Lectures on Demand (video, slideshow, summary).
June 2018:
Συνεντεύξεις του Προέδρου καθ. Χρ. Μαγγίδη στο Κανάλι της Βουλής (στην εκπομπή “Από Τόπο σε Τόπο”), στο STAR TV Κεντρικής Ελλάδας (Ειδήσεις από το 31:20′ έως 47:20′), στο ΕΝΑ ΤV, Mag24 και στο στα πλαίσια της αρχαιολογικής έρευνας στην κοιλάδα του Σπερχειού (MY.SPE.AR. Project) υπό την αιγίδα της Εφορείας Ευρυτανίας-Φθιώτιδας και με την υποστήριξη του Δήμου Λαμιέων και του Mycenaean Foundation.
Κανάλι Βουλής (“Από Τόπο σε Τόπο” 1:13:48 έως 1:18)
STAR TV Channel (από το 31:20′ έως 47:20′)
Μay 2018:
Eκτενές άρθρο και συνέντευξη του Προέδρου καθ. Χρ. Μαγγίδη για το Μυκηναϊκό Ίδρυμα και το επιστημονικό και κοινωφελές έργο του Ιδρύματος και του Αμερικανικού Κέντρου Αρχαιολογίας στις Μυκήνες στο ΠΡΩΤΟ ΘΕΜΑ: “Διεθνές πολιτιστικό κέντρο οι Μυκήνες”
Άρθρο για την πρώτη διεθνή επιστημονική παρουσίαση του θρόνου των Μυκηνών στο διεθνές αρχαιολογικό συνέδριο Aegaeum στη Βενετία (Απρίλιος 2018) στο ΠΡΩΤΟ ΘΕΜΑ: “Ο Θρόνος του Αγαμέμνονα στη Βενετία”
April 2018:
Το Μυκηναϊκό Ίδρυμα τιμά σήμερα (2 Απριλίου 2018) τη ζωή, την προσωπικότητα, την προσφορά και τη μνήμη του Αίαντα-Δημήτρη Ντάση (1937-2018), αγαπημένου φίλου, συνεργάτη και ευεργέτη του Ιδρύματος. Ο θάνατός του είναι μεγάλη απώλεια για τους οικείους του, συγγενείς και φίλους, και για όλους όσους άγγιξε απλόχερα με αγάπη και γέλιο. Οι σημαίες του Ιδρύματος κυματίζουν μεσίστιες επί τριήμερο σε ένδειξη πένθους και απότιση φόρου τιμής στον αγαπημένο φίλο Αίαντα.
“Ο αληθινός τάφος των νεκρών είναι οι καρδιές των ζωντανών” (Tacitus)
March 2018:
ΧΡΙΣΤΟΦΙΛΗΣ ΜΑΓΓΙΔΗΣ (Associate Professor of Archaeology, Dickinson College, President of the Mycenaean Foundation, Field Director of the Lower Town excavations at Mycenae, Director of Glas).
Αμφιθέατρο ‘Ν. Πολίτης’, Τμήμα Ιστορίας, Αρχαιολογίας και Διαχείρισης Πολιτισμικών Αγαθών, Πανεπιστήμιο Πελοποννήσου, 26 Μαρτίου 2018, 7 μμ
September 2017:
The Mycenaean Foundation and the University of South Carolina jointly established the American Center for Archaeology at Mycenae (, which will offer an undergraduate study abroad program for American and foreign students. The application gateway is now open and the program will commence in May 2018. The USC and the MF are currently conglomerating an academic consortium of select American and European universities.
August 2017:
News article about ACAM: “Erasmus made in…USA at ancient Mycenae” by P. Savvidis (PROTO THEMA)
June 2017:
Lecture (En Lamia 2017): “Political Geography of the Mycenaean World: Palatial Centers and Periphery – Recent Archaeological Discoveries and New Research Prospects”
by CHRISTOFILIS MAGGIDIS (Associate Professor of Archaeology, Dickinson College, President of the Mycenaean Foundation, Field Director of the Lower Town excavations at Mycenae, Director of Glas)
Lecture video: Star Channel & report/photos: Mag24
June 2016:
News: International Press Conference (ΕΣΗΕΑ, Athens, June 14, 2016) about the discovery of the royal throne at Mycenae (“Throne of Agamemnon”)
Athenian/Macedonian Press Agency, Associated Press, CNN Greece, ERT, MEGA, STAR, TheTOC, AΝΤ1, ΠΡΩΤΟ ΘΕΜΑ, REALNEWS, ΤοΒΗΜΑ, ΚΑΘΗΜΕΡΙΝΗ, ΗΜΕΡΗΣΙΑ, Εφημερίδα Συντακτών, ΕΘΝΟΣ, ΑΥΓΗ, TheTIMES, DailyMail, New York Post, Fox News, National Post,,,,,,,,, LIFO,,,, Αρχαιολογία, Popular Archaeology, Current World Archaeology,, Archaeology Magazine, Archaeology News Network, EuropeanPressPhotoAgency,, South China Morning Post, Xinhuanet, Signs of the Times, The Japan Times,, NDTV, Iran Daily, Daily Sabah, NewsCaf, Greek History Explorer
CNN Greece
June 2016:
Lecture: The ‘THRONE OF AGAMEMNON’ – The archaeological discovery and identification of the royal throne of Mycenae
by CHRISTOFILIS MAGGIDIS (Associate Professor of Archaeology, Dickinson College, President of the Mycenaean Foundation, Field Director of the Lower Town excavations at Mycenae)
Thursday, June 16, 2016, 7:00 pm at the Theocharakis Foundation, Vasilissis Sofias 9, Athens. A reception will follow (cf. invitation). Contact number/RSVP: 694-6032000, [email protected]
Lecture/reception photos: (code #7640)
June 2016:
Dr. Wiener’s visit to the Melathron at Mycenae: Dr. M. Wiener and Mrs. Carolyn Wiener with two of their children visited Mycenae on June, 8, 2016 to tour the citadel and the archaeological excavation of the Lower Town, view the recently discovered throne, and inspect the restoration project of the Melathron at Mycenae and the impressive Wiener Library, which was sponsored by the M. Wiener Foundation and the INSTAP. Dr. M. Wiener, a renowned archaeologist (Aegean prehistorian), lawyer, businessman, philanthropist, and major benefactor of Greek prehistoric archaeology, is the founder of the M.H. Wiener Foundation, the INSTAP and INSTAP Center in East Crete, the M. Wiener Laboratory for Archaeological Science at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, trustee or board member of many organizations (as well as past president and vice-president of the Mycenaean Foundation), recipient of many awards and recognitions (including the Gold Cross of the Order of the Phoenix by the Hellenic Republic), member of many academies and honorary doctorate holder at many universities around the globe (including Dickinson College and the University of Athens). The excavations of the Lower Town at Mycenae and the archaeological investigation of Glas are among the 3000 projects in the last 30 years that have received generous funding from the INSTAP ($401,000), also co-sponsored by Dickinson College ($ 1,393,000), the Mycenaean Foundation, and the M. Wiener Foundation. Dr. and Mrs. Wiener were impressed with the restoration of the facilities of the Mycenaean Foundation, although, to their dissapointment, they were not able to view the throne fragment from close up, as they were not allowed entrance to the storerooms of the Museum of Mycenae, at the order of the Ephor of Antiquities of the Argolida, even with the permission and in the presence of the excavator… The members of the excavation teams of Mycenae and Glas, archaeologists, students, and workers alike, express their gratitude to Dr. Wiener for his unfailing support, advice, and confidence in our work.
June 2016:
Prof. C. Maggidis with His Excellency the President of the Hellenic Republic, Mr. Prokopios Pavlopoulos, Dr. M. Wiener, and Mrs. Sofia Voultepsi, Member of the Hellenic Parliament and Minister, at the reception of the M.H. Wiener Lab of the ASCSA.
December 2015:
Press Releases about the discovery of the throne of the Mycenaean palace at Mycenae: Press Release #1 (EN) and Press Release #2 (EN)
Δελτίο Τύπου σχετικά με την ανακάλυψη του λίθινου θρόνου του Μυκηναϊκού ανακτόρου στις Μυκήνες: Δελτίο Τύπου #1 (GR) και Δελτίο Τύπου #2 (GR)
October 2014:
The Mycenaean Foundation has initiated negotiations to conglomerate an academic consortium of select U.S. and Greek colleges and universities in order to establish an international Center for Archaeology on its privately-owned campus at Mycenae. The Center will offer an undergraduate semester/year study abroad program for American students and a Master’s program for Greek and foreign graduate students. For more information, contact Professor Christofilis Maggidis: e-mail [email protected] or call 717-245-1014