Gla Publications
Welcome to the Gla Publications Page
This page provides a comprehensive list of scholarly publications related to the archaeological research at Gla. These works, authored by leading experts in the field, explore the site’s history, architecture, and significance in Mycenaean geopolitics. Below, you will find categorized references to articles, books, monographs, and field reports that shed light on the evolving understanding of this monumental Mycenaean site.
Maggidis, C., “Συστηματική γεωφυσική έρευνα στη Mυκηναϊκή ακρόπολη του Γλα,” Πρακτικά της Eν Αθήναις Αρχαιολογικής Εταιρείας 165 (2010) [2013], pp. 81-89. Read here
Maggidis, C., “Rediscovering a Giant,” in Popular Archaeology Magazine, September 2014, vol. 16. Read here or here
Maggidis, C. and A. Stamos, “Ο Γλας και η Mυκηναϊκή περιφερειακή πολιτική γεωγραφία υπό το φώς πρόσφατων ανακαλύψεων,” 117th A.I.A. Annual Meeting (2016). Read here
Maggidis, C., “Glas and Boeotia” in G. Middleton (ed.), Collapse and Transformation: the Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age in the Aegean, Oxbow 2020, ch. 12, pp. 107-120. Read here
Maggidis, C., “Μία επαναθεώρηση του Γλα και της Μυκηναϊκής Περιφερειακής Πολιτικής Γεωγραφίας υπό το φως προσφάτων ανακαλύψεων,” in E. Karantzali (ed.), The Periphery of the Mycenaean World: Recent Discoveries and Research Results, 3rd International Interdisciplinary Colloquium, 18-21 May, Lamia 2018, Lamia 2021, pp. 265-276. Read here
Ιακωβίδης, Σπ., Γλᾶς Ι: Ἡ ἀνασκαφὴ 1955-1961, Library of the Athens Archaeological Society 107, 1989.
Ιακωβίδης, Σπ., Γλᾶς ΙΙ: Ἡ ἀνασκαφὴ 1981-1991, Library of the Athens Archaeological Society 173, 1998.
Iakovidis, Sp., Gla and the Kopais in the 13th Century B.C., Library of the Athens Archaeological Society 173, 2001.