The Mycenaean Foundation is a non-profit corporation for scientific, educational, cultural, and charitable purposes under Section 501(c)(3). Contributions and donations to the Foundation are tax-deductible.
For the history, mission, and activities of the Mycenaean Foundation, download the official MF brochure.
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Friends of the Mycenaean Foundation
Join us, become Friends of the Mycenaean Foundation and enjoy special benefits:
- receive an annual online magazine with news, views, and informative articles on scientific, cultural, and humanitarian topics;
- free admission to events sponsored by the Mycenaean Foundation (performances, concerts, public lectures, colloquia, seminars, workshops);
- special prices for field school programs, guided tours of archaeological sites and museums organized by the Mycenaean Foundation;
- free use of our library and free online access to our fast-expanding digitized collection.
Become a ‘Friend of the Mycenaean Foundation’ at the annual membership fee of $50 – please, fill out and submit the registration form. To pay your annual membership fee with PayPal or Debit/Credit Card, please use the link below.
Εγγραφείτε ως ‘Φίλος του Μυκηναϊκού Ιδρύματος‘ με ετήσια συνδρομή μέλους $50 – συμπληρώστε την αίτηση εγγραφής (πληροφορίες για την ιστορία και τους σκοπούς του Μυκηναϊκού Ιδρύματος στα ελληνικά εδώ). Για να πληρώσετε την ετήσια συνδρομή σας μέσω PayPal ή με πιστωτική κάρτα, χρησιμοποιείστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, read our news and learn about our exciting archaeological discoveries (, join us and support the noble causes of the Mycenaean Foundation!
Support the Foundation!
Your generous sponsorship and tax-deductible donations will enable us to materialize our noble goals. To make a tax-deductible charitable donation in support of the noble causes of the Foundation or to pay your annual membership fee
Donate with PayPal or Debit/Credit Card
or mail your check to: The Mycenaean Foundation (c/o Christofilis Maggidis), Melathron Center, PO Box 122, Mykines 21200, Argolida, Greece
You may choose to make a general purpose donation or designate the specific purpose of your donation (naming-rights sponsorship of facilities, endowed positions or student scholarships, named lectures/workshops/colloquia, sponsorship of archaeological excavation or the Greek Odyssey Study Abroad Program, etc.) – for the available sponsorship options, donor tiers and complimentary rewards/benefits, see below.
For more information, please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].
General purpose donations:
All donations of $1,000 or more will have the name of the donor listed on the official website of the Mycenaean Foundation (see below, “Benefactors”); all donations of $5,000 or more will have the name of the donor memorialized on a bronze plaque in the foyer of the Melathron at Mycenae.
Donor Tiers
I. Class of Odysseus ($1-999)
- donations of $250 or more will be awarded free registration in an online archaeology course offered by the Mycenaean Foundation for Friends and Donors
II. Class of Athena ($1,000-9,999)
- donations of $1,000 or more will be awarded free registration in the annual series of online archaeology courses offered by the Mycenaean Foundation for Friends and Donors
- donations of $5,000 or more will receive a free award trip in Greece (NOSTOS program)
III. Class of Agamemnon ($10,000 or more)
- donations of $10,000 or more will receive a unique archaeological field experience in Greece that includes week-long accommodation (room and board) and active participation in the archaeological excavation of the Foundation as members of the dig team under the direction of Prof. Chr. Maggidis
- donations of $20,000 or more will receive a unique cultural immersion experience in Greece that includes: week-long accommodation (room and board) and active participation in the archaeological fieldwork of the Foundation as members of the excavation team under the direction of Prof. Chr. Maggidis, accommodation for three days in Athens including a day-long cruise to two Greek islands (Spetses, Hydra) and guided tours of Athens (by staff members).
Naming-rights donors/sponsors for facilities
- first-row seats (presiding seats to be casted from the throne of Agamemnon): $5,000 for each first-row seat named after donor
- regular seats (to be casted from the seats of the theater of Dionysus in Athens): $2,000 for each seat named after donor
- theater garden: $20,000
- theater orchestra (named “DeLaet Orchestra”)
Dig simulator: $50,000
Library: book collection: $25,000 (library section named after donor); digitization project: $50,000-100,000
Seminar Room 1 or Seminar Room 2 (labs/classrooms): $50,000
Pergola (outdoor classroom): $25,000
Foyer (statues & exhibit): $25,000
Driveway: $25,000
Sponsors of public lectures, seminars, workshops, colloquia, conferences
Named endowments for positions or student scholarships ($50,000 or more)
Sponsors of archaeological excavation ($1,000-$100,000 or more)
Sponsors of Greek Odyssey Study Abroad program ($1,000-$100,000 or more)
SPONSORS: Institutions & Organizations
- Institute for Aegean Prehistory (INSTAP)
- M.H. Wiener Foundation
- Wagman Construction, Inc.
- Arete Fund
- The Institute of World Politics
BENEFACTORS (1967 – to date):
- Mr. & Mrs. J. Walter Adderton
- Mr. & Mrs. William M. Akin
- Mr. & Mrs. Newell A. Auger
- Mr. & Mrs. Arthur A. Baer
- Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Baer
- Mr. & Mrs. John R. Bartlett, Jr.
- Miss Mary Elizabeth Bascom
- Mr. & Mrs. Henry H. Bauer
- Mrs. John H. Becker
- Mrs. Nuvart Bedrossian
- Mr. & Mrs. A. Lyndon Bell
- Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Blair
- Dr. Russell J. Blattner
- Dr. Mary J. Blood
- Miss Jeanne C. Blythe
- Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Boisseau
- Mrs. Leonce Bonnecaze
- Dr. Mary S. Boyden
- Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Brandon
- Mr. & Mrs. John K. Broderick & Anne
- Mrs. John Hart Brown
- Mrs. Richard Arthur Bullock
- Mrs. James C. Buchanan, Jr.
- Mr. & Mrs. Merton A. Carlson
- Dr. & Mrs. James T. Chamness & Margaret
- Mr. & Mrs. Roy B. Chipps & Mary
- Mr. & Mrs. R. Walston Chubb
- Mr. & Mrs. James W Clark
- Mrs. William B. Colburn
- Mr. & Mrs. Harry S. Connelly
- Mr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Connor
- Mrs. Robert C. Corley
- Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Cox
- Mrs. Mary B. Cunningham
- Mr. Steve De Laet and and Mrs. Dianne De Laet
- Miss Mary Randolph Dickson
- Mr. & Mrs. H. Richard Duhme, Jr. & Ann Benton Warren
- Mr. & Mrs. Rodman Durfee & Thomas
- Dr. Cora E. Dyck
- Mr. & Mrs. William H. Eason & John
- Chancellor & Mrs. Thomas H. Eliot
- Mr. & Mrs. Milton Epstein
- Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Feuerbacher
- Mrs. Harold Field
- Dr. & Mrs. I. Jerome Flance
- Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Fletcher
- Mrs. Paul F. Fletcher
- Mr. & Mrs. William Stix Friedman
- Mr. & Mrs. Harold Gaebe
- Mr. & Mrs. Clark R. Gamble
- Mrs. Helen Gantcheff
- Dr. & Mrs. Leigh Gerdine
- Mrs. Harold H. Giger
- Mrs. Evarts Graham
- Mr. Peter Greenberg and Mrs. Susan Greenberg
- Mr. & Mrs. Milton Greenfield, Jr.
- Miss Alice M. Gregory
- Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Grossman
- Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hamilton
- Dr. & Mrs. William M. Hamilton
- Mr. & Mrs. Elwood C. Hamsher
- Mrs. T. Walter Hardy
- Mr. & Mrs. Forrest D. Harper
- Mrs. G. L. Harris
- Mr. & Mrs. T. Ben Harris
- Mrs. Robert E. Harwell
- Mr. & Mrs. Curtis W. Haug & Peter
- Mr. & Mrs. Richard Haugland
- Mr. & Mrs. Harvard K. Hecker & Susan
- Mrs. Patricia Hecker
- Dr. & Mrs. Carl Heifetz
- Mr. & Mrs. Norman E. Heitner & Jonathan
- Mrs. Gordon P. Henderson
- Mr. & Mrs. Karl Hoagland
- Mr. & Mrs. Henry R. Hope
- Mr. & Mrs. Nelson H. Howe
- Mr. & Mrs. Morton B. Howell, Jr.
- Mrs. Albert C. Ingersoll
- Mrs. J.A. Jacobs & Ann
- Mrs. Elisa Jagerson
- Dr. & Mrs. J. Ted Jean
- Mrs. Earl M. Johnston
- Mr. & Mrs. John Louis Keel
- Dr. Victoria F. Kimbrough
- Mr. & Mrs. Warren Kirkbride
- Mr. John T. Klutey
- Mr. Herbert E. Koeneke
- Dr. Irene A. Koeneke
- Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O. Kremer
- Mr. & Mrs. Warren B. Lammert
- Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Lamy
- Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Langsdorf, Jr.
- Mr. Robert Lawther
- Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Levis & Gladys Jenny
- Mr. & Mrs. C. Carter Lewis
- Mr. & Mrs. David S. Lewis, Jr.
- Mr. & Mrs. Arthur R. Lindburg
- Dr. & Mrs. Carl Lischer
- Mrs. Langdon Lodge
- Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin M. Loeb
- Mr. & Mrs. Hugh A. Logan
- Miss Mary Louise Logan
- Mr. & Mrs. J.M. Loomis
- Mr. & Mrs. Paul Londe
- Mr. & Mrs. Sheridan K. Loy
- Mr. & Mrs. George C. Lynde
- Mr. & Mrs. Albert C. Maack
- Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. MacDonald
- Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred V. MacDonald
- Professors Christofilis Maggidis & Maria Anastassiathe-Maggidis
- Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Marsh & Therese
- Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Maw
- Mr. & Mrs. Morton D. May
- Mr. Morton J. May
- Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Ross McCarthy
- Mr. & Mrs. Milton W. McGreevy
- Mr. & Mrs. John C. Merrill
- Mr. & Mrs. Francis Mesker
- Miss Antoinette C. Meyer
- Mr. & Mrs. Robert O. Meyer
- Professor Steven Miller
- Mr. & Mrs. Oliver J. Miller
- Mr. & Mrs. M. Ryrie Milnor & George
- Mr. & Mrs. Dayton A. Mudd & Dail Darcey Dayton, Jr.
- Dr. & Mrs. J. Gerard Mudd & Mary Linda Madonna Milissa Marian Gerard, Jr.
- Mr. Tom Mulvihill
- Professor & Mrs. George E. Mylonas
- Mr. & Mrs. G. Frederick Newhard
- Mr. & Mrs. Oscar D. Norling
- Mrs. J.J. O’Hare
- Miss Margaret Oldfather
- Dr. & Mrs. D. Elliott O’Reilly & Lucia Marian Ann
- Mr. & Mrs. William R. Orthwein, Jr.
- Mrs. Raoul Pantaleoni
- Mr. & Mrs. David G. Patterson
- Mr. & Mrs. Kendall Perkins
- Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Pettus
- Mr. & Mrs. David D. Price, Jr.
- Mrs. Charles F. Putnam
- Mr. & Mrs. William S. Putnam
- Professor & Mrs. William G. Rice
- Mr. & Mrs. G. Kenneth Robins
- Mr. & Mrs. William M. Robinson
- Mr. & Mrs. Boyd Rogers
- Mr. & Mrs. Philip Rudder
- Mr. Mike Sabina
- Mr. & Mrs. Arthur B. Schellenberg
- Dr. Frances Schiltz
- Mr. & Mrs. George H. Schlapp
- Mrs. Edwin A. Schmid
- Professor & Mrs. Robert M. Schmitz
- Mrs. Jen Schumacher
- Dr. & Mrs. Henry G. Schwartz
- Mrs. Marshall Seibel, Jr.
- Professor & Mrs. T. Leslie Shear
- Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Simmons
- Mr. & Mrs. Laurence D. Simmons
- Mr. & Mrs. J. Davis Smith
- Mr. & Mrs. J. Sheppard Smith, Jr.
- Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Herndon Smith
- Mr. Thomas Spalding
- Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence H. Stern
- Miss Grace Strecker
- Dr. & Mrs. Paul T. Strong
- Miss Elizabeth Summersby
- Mr. & Mrs. Fred M. Switzer & Ann
- Mr. & Mrs. George Throop
- Professor & Mrs. Leonid D. Tichvinsky
- Mr. & Mrs. Milton F. Tucker
- Mrs. Festus J. Wade, Jr.
- Mr. Joseph Wagman
- Mr. & Mrs. Thomas H. Wagner
- Mrs. H. Roswell Wahl
- Mr. & Mrs. Millard Waldheim
- Mrs. Hampton G. Wall
- Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. Walsh, Jr.
- Mrs. Horton Watkins
- Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wenzel & Robert
- Dr. Malcolm H. Wiener
- Mr. & Mrs. William E. Wiese
- Mrs. Margaret E. Wiggs
- Mrs. John Gates Williams
- Mr. & Mrs. Harris E. Williams
- Mr. James H. Williams
- Miss Sallie Frances Williams
- Mr. Michael W. Wilsey
- Mr. & Mrs. Russell Wilson
- Mrs. Deborah Wince-Smith
- Mrs. Fred Wulfing
- Mrs. Elizabeth N. Young