The Citadel
Citadel Excavation: Building K (2002-2008)
From 2002 to 2008, excavation efforts were concentrated on the northwestern section of the citadel, specifically between Building N and the Storerooms Λ of Megaron M, located just northeast of the Lion Gate. This rectangular excavation area, measuring approximately 26m by 7.5m, was divided into three sectors and overlaid with a grid of 2x2m squares using advanced surveying tools like a Total Station and Differential GPS.
During these excavations, a Late Mycenaean structure known as Building K was uncovered. This single-story building, measuring around 26m by 4m, was connected to the Storerooms Λ of Megaron M and featured a small open-air courtyard (3.5m by 5m) to the north and a wide ramp to the west that led to the North Cyclopean wall and the adjacent courtyard. Internally, Building K was divided by partition walls into three rooms, including storerooms and a kitchen area, as suggested by the artifacts found and the analysis of soil layers.
The building’s clay floor rested on a deep foundation fill from the Late Helladic IIIA2/B1 period and was covered by a thick ash layer from a destruction event at the end of the Late Helladic IIIB2 period. Building K appears to have been a temporary addition to the storerooms, constructed hastily with reused materials after an earlier destruction phase when storage was urgently needed. Ultimately, it was completely destroyed during the second destruction horizon, likely due to an earthquake followed by a fire. The remains of Building K were filled in and never reused, providing valuable insights into the Late Helladic IIIB2 period and sealing earlier stratigraphy from the Middle Helladic to Late Helladic IIIB.
Room 1
The southernmost room of Building K, known as Room 1, was uncovered in Sector III. Measuring 8.9m by 4.2m, it was defined by the thick southern wall (Wall B), a Mycenaean drainage channel, the western wall (Wall A), and a surviving partition wall (Wall Γ). The entrance was from the west.
The clay floor of Room 1 was discovered beneath a thick ash layer (0.50m) that contained various artifacts such as shattered vases, burnt wood, animal bones, fresco fragments, and even pieces of baked clay that may have been parts of Linear B tablets. Notable finds included numerous Mycenaean figurines, metal fragments, jewelry molds, and intact pots with organic remains that were analyzed for further information. This destruction layer, dating to the Late Helladic IIIB2 period, was occasionally sealed by debris from the building’s collapse.
The central area of the clay floor was built upon a leveling course of stones that sealed a deep foundation fill. The edges of the floor were either set directly on bedrock or supported by a wide rubble foundation. The construction style of this building aligns with other contemporary structures at Mycenae.
Interestingly, a geometric pit grave was found on top of Wall B, containing the poorly preserved skeleton of a young individual with no funerary goods, indicating that the area continued to be used even after Building K was abandoned.

Room 2
In the central sector (Sector II), evidence of earlier excavation trenches was found alongside the remains of Room 2, which measures 5.35m by 4.2m and was also entered from the west. This room is separated from Room 1 by partition walls (Γ and Δ) and contains an undisturbed destruction fill. A large jar containing wine residue was found in situ in this fill, alongside numerous figurines, beads, metal objects, and pottery primarily from the Late Helladic IIIB period. Beneath the western wall’s foundation, two shallow bedrock cavities were discovered. The southern cavity contained a Middle Helladic burial with artifacts, while the northern cavity revealed evidence of a funerary pyre.
Room 3
The northern sector (Sector I) revealed Room 3, measuring 5.40m by 4.2m, located near the North Cyclopean wall. This room had an entrance from a small courtyard to the north. The floor, made of pressed earth, showed signs of fire and was covered with a destruction fill containing pottery and remains of the collapsed structure.
This room featured a leveling course of stones beneath the clay floor, and the foundation fill included various artifacts from the Late Helladic period, including cookware. Additionally, a partition wall created a small, blind room (Room 4), likely accessed via a staircase from Room 2.

Adjacent to Room 3, a small open-air courtyard (3.5m by 5m) provided access to the northern section of Building K and was approached via a ramp. The courtyard’s floors were laid upon a foundation that concealed a deeper rubble fill related to the North Cyclopean wall’s construction.
To the west of Wall A, a pressed earth floor resembling a road was discovered at a depth of approximately 2.60m. This likely served as an access route to the northern Cyclopean wall and the adjacent courtyard.
The 13th century BC in mainland Greece was marked by frequent seismic activity, which led to significant structural damage, fires, and economic disruptions. At Mycenae, distinct stratified contexts reveal two major destruction horizons during the Late Helladic IIIB period, caused primarily by earthquakes.
Building K serves as a testament to the temporary nature of structures during this turbulent period. Constructed hastily with reused materials after an initial destruction phase, it was completely destroyed at the end of the Late Helladic IIIB2 period due to seismic activity and fire. This site provides critical information about the Mycenaean civilization’s response to disasters and the transitional phases of their storerooms, highlighting the resilience and adaptability of their society during challenging times.
The Hands Behind the Excavation
This excavation project is the result of the dedicated efforts of a diverse group of individuals, each playing a crucial role in its success.
Students: Our enthusiastic students bring fresh perspectives and a passion for discovery. They are the backbone of the excavation team, engaging in hands-on learning that enriches their academic experience. Their commitment to research and exploration drives our project forward.
Faculty: The expertise of our faculty members is invaluable. They guide the students, providing mentorship and sharing their extensive knowledge of archaeology and related disciplines. Their research insights and teaching methodologies ensure that every aspect of the excavation is grounded in academic rigor.
Workmen: Our skilled workmen are essential to the practical implementation of the excavation. Their experience and expertise in excavation techniques and site management enable the team to navigate challenges on the ground, ensuring that the project proceeds smoothly and safely.
Specialists: The involvement of specialists in various fields, including conservation, geotechnical analysis, and historical research, adds depth to our project. Their specialized knowledge allows us to approach the excavation from multiple angles, ensuring that we preserve the integrity of the site while maximizing our findings.
The Director: At the helm of this project, our director oversees all operations and ensures that the team works cohesively towards our common goals. Their vision and leadership inspire collaboration, fostering an environment where innovation and exploration can thrive.
Together, this collaborative effort of students, faculty, workmen, specialists, and the director brings the excavation to life, allowing us to uncover and preserve our shared heritage for future generations.